Hello, I'm laserlemon.

Since you're reading this, you must either be a family member, a close friend, or some stranger from a future where people actually read what I post. Whichever it is, welcome!
It's a new year, and I've resolved to try my hand at creating content. I'm a software engineer by profession and I used to blog on technical topics somewhat regularly, but that was years ago. Now I'm 40 years old, I have a wonderful partner, and four rambunctious little kids, so… what better time to give it another try‽
But I think it'll be a little different this time. I'm sure I'll still write about code; it's my bread and butter. But this time I'm going to shift the focus of my writing to what I don't know. I'm interested in all sorts of things and there's just so much I don't know!
So I'm going to learn in the open.
I'm going to find topics that really spark my interest and then I'm going to dive in. And I want you to come with me. I'll write about (and film) my first steps, my failures, and (hopefully) my successes. It's a little scary for me and it will take some vulnerability. Hopefully my fragile ego can bear the weight!
And I already have a few interests to kick things off. You already know I'm a software engineer so it should come as no surprise that many of my interests are semi-nerdy, engineering-related pursuits. I also studied mechanical engineering in school and love building with my hands, which I haven't done much lately. So to start out, I'll be writing about:
- Software development
- Cutting and polishing gemstones
- LEGO architecture
How's that for nerdy? You'll surely get some bonus topics, especially early on, because there's so much to learn just about modern blog writing and YouTube video production. I'm thinking about doing some live streaming too, which is also a whole new world for me.
If you're curious about any of those topics, stay tuned! I'll introduce each in more detail soon, along with some of my goals for the year. The best way to stay in touch is to subscribe and if you haven't already, you can do that below. And while you're in the subscribing mood, you can find me on YouTube at laserlemon.tv.
I hope you'll take this journey with me. We're going to learn a lot!